Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bittersweet last quilt photographed on this bridge for me.

So I can finally post about the bittersweet feelings I had while taking photographs of my last quilt to be  completed while living at our Gainesville VA residence. Our time in VA is drawing to an end and we will soon be living in our new home which is in Quakertown PA.
This quilt was my last quilt that would to be quilted on my HQ16 machine while living in our Gainesville VA home. As had become my usual after completing a quilt or fiber creation I took the quilt outside just off our back yard to the Heritage Hunt 14th golf hole where there is a lovely little bridge. I usually would set up my quilts there and take photographs for my records or memories.
Gainesville VA home is on the right in this photo, then notice the path to the left.

The bridge on the 14th hole of Heritage hunt golf course
 How very bittersweet! I am very excited to be moving into our new home yet will miss this ritual and sweet bridge!
Baby quilt for my newest grandchild
Baby James Bronce Henderson V's baby quilt
detail of airplane

detail of car
My lovely daughter-in-heart, gave birth to my grandson Monday evening April 9, 2011
Meet my handsome grandson little James B. isn't he just perfect!

Annie Sloan Paint Time

So I had this large chest I shagged from my daughter a year or more ago that I always figured I would redo someday for our home on the Chesapeake {The thought was that we would need it as extra storage or even as a mini closet in one of the rooms since most of the homes we viewed for sale in the Chesapeake area had few closets and even less storage.} Well fast forward and for those of you who know me you already know the home we ended up finding and buying is not in the Chesapeake area it is in Quakertown PA. It also has plenty of storage. ;-)
I still intend to use the piece in one of our guest rooms though so now that Annie Sloan Chalk Paint has hit the US in full force I figured this piece of furniture would be a great piece to try out the paint on.
So the first steps were….. tada…just begin painting…no sanding, no prepping just paint away!
So the cabinet was kind of dirty having been in storage a long time, actually a little disgusting.
I forgot to take a photo before I removed the drawers but you get the drift ;-)
First coat of Annie Sloan paint color "Old Ochre"

Drawers painted
Outside all painted, ready to have wax applied.
You can see why this piece would be so heavy! An old well built piece of furniture.
Hubby wanted me to try to get the piece painted before we have movers bring our furniture from VA to new home in PA.

Inside of cabinet back together, outside all waxed.
The piece turned out great, too bad my photograph didn't. doesn't do it justice.
This is great paint to use.  Now the movers can be the ones to have to carry it to our second floor.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I've got to focus!

So I finished unloading the rest of the load then drove into town with the intention of having breakfast somewhere, stopping and grabbing a couple more paint samples then staying at the house and painting a large chest we presently have in the little garage that is extremely heavy so hubby wants me to get it painted before the real movers come in hopes we can have them carry the chest to our second floor.
Well sounded like a great plan…lol just one problem. It is a beautiful day and when I  headed into town there were just so many places to explore…

One being Ollie's outlet….lol lol geeesh I spent at least an hour or more looking around the store did not cover half of it before I realized I NEED to get back to the house and get painting!
Let me say if one has grandchildren Ollie's could be a dangerous store so many great books and toys, but that is not all they carry….it looked like if you name it they have it!
So have had my Internet fix and now it is back to the house where there is no TV, no Internet and no phone! You know what? It's actually quite nice and a peaceful enjoyment. Now off to use some of my Annie Sloan paint!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Solo truck ride up north today….

After an hour or two of loading up the truck with hubby this morning I went to my Myo-fascia release gal for help…[Whoops...Need/want to clarify this was an appointment already set up, she always has to help me, it was not due to our packing the truck ;-)]  Thank goodness she worked MAGIC for me as usual…
Then lol I promptly got in the truck and drove a solo trip to the new house, basically undid all her hard work probably…. YET could not have done what I managed today without her help. ;-) Thank you Liz!
So here is peek into my day...
Nice looking truck huh? Gotta love my Son-in-law Heart for allowing us the loan of his truck.
Loaded to the hilt with odds and ends..supposedly light enough for me to, yeah sure.
Whoops one minor disaster, notice the tarp's lacy look? Wind somehow  shredded it a little.
Hopefully a new tarp and treating to Easter Sunday brunch will help Nate forgive us?

Inside seemed to have more then the flat bed did.

Ok here I go…time to unload.

Thankful for my little step ladder and MY dolly versus my hubby's heavy duty one.

So this was the only heavy item and I just happen to have a little work table that I pushed near the truck bed and now it's ready for hubby to work on this and get it put together ;-))
Now before any of my buddies begin to get on me for doing too much, I only unloaded the flat bed tonight and tomorrow will tackle the inners of the truck, see slowly unpacking AND being very proactive to not hurt myself!
Presently I am sitting in a Star Bucks in our new town (so I could post on the blog, ;-) Now heading back to the new home to sit quietly, relax and early to bed for me, Remember NO TV,NO phone NO Internet lol lol so not much choice to do otherwise..(except begin unpacking? NOT!!!
Sweet dreams and hugs to all! 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Another trip "up" to the soon to be new residence

So hubby and I had another busy weekend entailing a quick drive up to Quakertown to take more stuff and do some work on our soon to be residence. These quick weekend trips up and back are getting old… The nice thing is this weekend we came back with the feeling we accomplished something. ;-)))
We headed "up north" as my hubby has been calling the new home to take a lite load of stuff in the car, first dropping by the daughter's home to swap our car for their truck ;-) then onward to Quakertown to try to finalize paint choices so the contractor can have the painters begin while they are waiting on the french doors for the office entrance to arrive. 
The home had a room just off the front hall that is to become hubby's office. Presently the entrance to that room is a tall/wide framed open doorway, we intend to have it turned into a french door entrance w/transom window above. Hubby's rug selection arrived and we like it. ;-) Another good thing… ;-)
We bought this from online sale, they first sent a brown one by mistake,
which was actually quite nice, but we really like the blue one even more.

As you can possibly see from the box of way too many samples ;-) I've struggled  over choosing  paint colors.
Sadly some of the struggles come due to my eye sight, with my lack of depth perception color samples are very flat
to me not at all as the color looks once on a wall….then add the sun light, dark of night, etc. etc.

Should have seen me try to explain to my husband to try to think about how one will enter the home
and be able to see 4 different wall colors and how I hoped they would feel a flow….lol.
Then I told him to join me on the steps and see how one would be able to see 3 different wall colors from there.
YUP He said.."I'm LOST!!!!! Have no idea what you are talking
The hardest room color for me to choose was the Great room.
The great room has a high ceiling with a very high stone fireplace, neither of which I ever imagined.
I wish I could get the color we chose to photograph correctly but my camera just will not seem to allow for that,
this photo is close though, on the mantle is a couch cushion and the brown of our present lazy boys.
Yup I tried to get the hubby to look and see how many different colors of wall would be seen…lol
Oh and master bedroom will be Ice Mist, a calming green.
Kitchen is going to be warm caramel and eating area is whispering wheat
(as long as I don't change my mind)
Again from the eating area you see 3 different wall colors ;-)
During my struggle with paint colors I talked hubby into him and I trying to paint
the laundry room before our appliances arrive April 10.
 Also was great reminder WHY it was important to hire painters for all those other rooms.
We did it! Laundry room is painted and I have list of paint colors for the contractor.
We're back in VA looking forward to a future call possibly letting us know "our soon to arrive grandson" is on his way….. this week or next...
Life is good!