Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What a wonderful weekend!

So last Tuesday evening brought the beginning of a stressful week!  Now remember I reside in VA presently…yes I still have a house in MI we refer to at times as the Oneida house or Hotel Oneida…but for the most part I have been living in VA for the past 5 1/2 years….well the past year has been rough on my folks health wise, which I’m sure you can relate to it being a stressful situation when one of your parents become ill and you reside 10 hours away!  Well that was my situation this past week.  My mother goes down to the rec room in her building most evenings to play bingo and on this past Tuesday evening she passed out and they could not get a response so she was rushed to the hospital. Lucky for us they got everything under control and by Thursday scheduled her to receive a pacemaker…but as my dad let me know NOT just a pacemaker like his but a special 3 wire one with defiberator besides! ;-) My dad seems semi jealous  lol lol cause as he tells us his is the old style one hers is much better….Well  waiting it out in VA while she had her two and half hour surgery was rough…but thankfully our prayers were answered and my mom came through with flying colors…then I was lucky cause I had already scheduled my weekend visit with them due to my son’s bachelor golf outing/ party and I had plans to stay in their extra bedroom, so I got to have a wonderful weekend…Since I was able to get to MI in time Friday to bust her out of the hospital my sisters let me have the honor then I  ran her to hairdresser on Sat. a few of  my kids got to drop in on them for visits (JB & Claire from NY/NJ and Nate from Denver) and Brian (the groom to be) rode his bike over with a buddy for visit P1070089before his afternoon and evening of partying!P1070083 

My mom is looking so much better then she did in June at the wedding showers and now with her new pacemaker she has great color back and seems much stronger!







So I thank the Lord that he heard our prayers…….and now on to Hawaii and soon Denver for the birth of my grand daughter in time to make her MI debut at Brian’s Sept 26 wedding!

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