Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Moving forward with my goals…..

So now that I do not have a teaching calendar calling my name in late August (meaning YES I’m retired;-) I have more freedom to move forward with my dreams….goals….. so with that in mind I have signed up for two classes one in Oct with Nancy Crow and one in Nov with HQ16……

then…….Bill made plans and got me a ticket for my birthday ;-) that will take me from Detroit for quick weekend visit with my folks…then onward to Hawaii where he has business..then on to Denver to visit with my grandson and wait for the arrival of my grand-daughter due Sept 6. I will finally arrive back to VA Sept 13 at which time I will quickly have to regroup to head to MI for my son’s wedding Sept 26! Now one can figure out why it was time for me to retire! ;-) lol lol

I do intend to mail ahead some of my quilting to Denver so I don’t have withdrawal……

Well time to sign off I have a quilt to load to my HQ16 ;-)P1050173

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