Monday, March 31, 2014

Adeline's baby quilt is done

So here's a question for you all...
When you make a new quilt do you wash it right away? Specially if it's a gift do you wash it before you give it away? Myself  the first thing I do after the binding is sewn on is into the washer it goes. The only quilts I do not wash immediately would be art quilts or wall quilts, yet I have been known to wash them quickly also but then block them versus drying them in a dryer.
So got my grand-daughter's crib quilt completed only 3 days after she was spontaneously lol born a week early.
My thoughts on her quilt was totally HUGS and KISSES!
As I began to quilt my thoughts went to little girls = pink hearts.
I figured I would be sending my grand-daughter Adeline
lots of hugs and kisses with this quilt design.

Hugs and Kisses for Adeline
Look closely and you might see it says
Love Grandma , 2014.

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