So I’m feeling guilty since I have not taken time this past week to post my many thoughts….I wish I could post everything I always intend to but….hmmmmmmmm procrastination? or actually I find the computer the easiest way to help procrastination set in so I have been working at shutting it down at times….
So while visiting up north in MI I did manage to complete the chairs I owed my nieces as go a-longs with the baby quilts I made Tyler and Rayna….better late then never and just in time for Tyler’s second birthday so at least I was not too late! As you can see Rayna seemed to enjoy hers……
I look forward to getting new photos from my nieces showing the coordinating quilts along with the chairs, I had to design from memory so not sure how well I did regarding them coordinating?
I have been back in VA a week now and even though I KNOW I have retired I think after being a teacher so many years my mind is stuck in summer mode! And yep all my buddies keep saying just wait till August hits and you don’t have to go back……it will finally sink in??? Strange though cause I realize August I’ll be busy in Denver with Caleb and my daughter, then Sept 6 the new baby will be here (AKA = my new grand daughter, name to be decided at a later date) and then even more busy the end of Sept; Sept 26 ,09 in specific = My baby boy’s wedding day! Heck I’ll be looking for a shut down come Oct. and who knows then maybe finally retirement will sink in?
Till then I have much to do and somehow I need to fight my procrastination or possibly fears?…I’ve set my mind that my next chapter in life will consist of being a grand GRANDMOTHER AND a fulltime fiber artist! So time to try to set forth some good habits and get started….now lets see? First I must make the list, then try to stick to it and move forward……
#1. might be to update my blog info…noticed I should change my title and info to no longer include Middle School Art Teacher? Let’s see now? Teddi Munslow – Art quilt Artist – Artist?
#2. Complete a big-boy quilt for my grandson Caleb the soon to be big brother! For those of you who might read my blog you might have noticed long ago some fun monsters I was preparing for his big boy quilt? well mommy and dad have now decided on a new theme = Chicago bears????? yuck! but what’s a good granny to do except……So we have a start…have 3 more t-shirts off EBay arriving shortly and intend to add some quilty squares, triangles, other such additives or designs to jazz it up….
Today I set up my HQ16 to experiment with….maybe I can complete some of my ideas and test drive the machine at the same time? Here is what I messed with today? As you might be able to read….Life has loose ends……. ;-))) some of my rusted dyed fabric quilted together into little art quilt?
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